Winky Wong

Winky Wong

Winky Wong is an a cappella singer-arranger. She is a Chinese University of Hong Kong graduate with a B.A. in Music, majoring in voice under the tutelage of Mr. Caleb Woo. She currently works as the Musician Intern of Yat Po Singers. Recent productions include an online anthology series Learning Cantonese from A Cappella, LCSD’s 25 · 35 Performing Arts Carnivals, Jockey Club Yat Po Annual Performance Happy A-ge-cappella and Yat Po Singers x Mansonvibes MV Production Moonfall.

Winky grew up with a passion for music. She joined The Greeners’ Sound, a young adult SATB choir in 2016 and was its Choral Conductor in 2018-2019. The choir achieved Second Place at the 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Senior (open) Mixed Category competition.

Winky is also a member of the Chan Fai Young x Women’s Choir. Recent performances include The Girls’ Prayer (2016), Girls in Tears (2018-2019) and People Come, People Go (2021). She also participated in two studio-recorded albums The Girls’ Prayer and Girls in Tears. The Girls’ Prayer was awarded the Best Collection Album in the 2017 Chinese Music Awards.