Jockey Club Yat Po ‘Happy A-ge-cappella’, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, is a three-year elderly a cappella choral and life enrichment project organised by Yat Po Singers, Hong Kong’s first professional a cappella choral theatre company.
It is a project which motivates the elders by cultivating their talent, strengthening their self-confidence and bonding with people through the a cappella training programmes and activities. With the aim of connecting the two generations, a cappella trainings are conducted by our core tutors, while young tutors and even the elders will be trained up as an assistant to the tutors by joining the apprenticeship programme, and to share the art of a cappella. Yat Po Singers will reside at one of the elderly centres on each project stage to empower people from the community through a cappella workshops and demonstration performances. The elders will also gain opportunities to perform on stages and make music videos which draw the public attentions to create an inclusive society.
The three-year project consists of five major items:
- A cappella training course for elderly
- ‘Train-the-trainer’ apprenticeship progarmme
- Artist-in-residence programme
- A cappella performances by the elderly
- Online sharing platform
Project Stages
Stage One: November 2019 – September 2020
Stage Two: October 2020 – September 2021
Stage Three: October 2021 – September 2022
Project Items
Tel: +852 2154 4233